Woman talking to angels

How to Connect with Your Angel Guides in 7 Steps.

Angels are genuinely present everywhere. According to the Pew Foundation, 72% of Americans believe that angels exist. Spiritual Angel Guides can be found in many different spiritual traditions and religions, including Mormonism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, and Christianity.

Angel expert St. Augustine suggested, make friends with angels, get to know them and let your relationship grow, just like you would with any other meaningful relationship.

One of the most effective spiritual practices is to ask an angel for help. We can ask angels at any time or place and here are some things you can do that will help:

Ask for help – Angels offer us support 24/7.

1)The more open we are, the more they can do for us. Make your prayers or invocations asking for the help you need. Realize that when you request an angel for help, all that happens is, you making yourself more open to their help.

When you ask for support, it’s essential to know that you deserve their angelic support. Angels help everyone, no matter who they are or what they believe. Angels are limitless and everywhere, so your request doesn’t make them less powerful or stop them from simultaneously helping the rest of us. They are outside our time and space, and they love everyone with no conditions.

Connect with your divine inner child.

2) Connect with the divine child inside you as you call on the angels for help. Your inner divine child is whole, pure, and honest and knows that angels are trustworthy gifts from God. This will help you to receive the gift your angels have prepared for you by making you more receptive, excited, and eager.

Let them know everything.

3) When you ask the angels for help, give them everything: every issue, problem, worry, and fear, as well as every good intention and the outcome you can think of as a result of your request. Let go of any ideas about how the angel will answer your request.

spiritual picture with angels on horizon

Show Gratitude and Appreciation.

4) Find and show genuine appreciation and gratitude for how things are. If you’re having trouble with this, ask the angels to help you find love in whatever situation you’re going through. Have patience, and stop trying to figure out how this love will show itself to you.

Ask for Understanding.

5) Make sure you know it’s done. Help is always given, and requests are answered. If you think your request won’t be answered, ask for help understanding. Trust that every answered prayer will show you love. Angels know everything about you and love you no matter what, and they will never keep anything from you that will help you.

Act fast on the advice given.

6) Move fast on the advice you get. Take the chance and act on it right away. Angels can help you in many ways, and you can never use up or run out of their help. You can never ask for “too much”. The angels are happy to give you as much as you want. The faster you act, the quicker you get help!

Enjoy Yourself.

7) Enjoy yourself just as you are right now. Let the angels heal any negative thoughts or feelings you have about yourself, your life, or other people. Even if it’s just for a few minutes, let go of everything that doesn’t come from love for yourself and others. In this moment of surrender, the angels can do much more for you than you could do on your own. Thank yourself and the angels for helping you get closer to each other.

Remember Angels are with you every step of the way today. Angels are always here for you and eager to help.

Love, Light and Empathy,

Your Spiritual Planet Family

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