Carnelian Crystal

Carnelian is a fiery orange stone that connects to the Sacral Chakra. It represents harmony and creativity and will ignite your creative spark and give you the courage to reach your goals. It is a stone that encourages individuality and a connection to your imagination.

Using Carnelian in Healing Work and Color Therapy

Carnelian is unique in its ability to give you creativity in expression. The crystals warm colors also help to increase your self-esteem and ability to socialize. If you ever need a stone to get you out of your shell, the carnelian is the one to choose.

It is helpful in healing work and helps to recall past lives. Carnelian will help you remember memories that create blockages in your current life. By doing this in healing work, you will release blockages.

Carnelian as Home Decor or Jewelry

Carnelian carvings include tabletops and tiles, like lamps, carved as bowls. It comes in the form of polished free-standing stones and tumbled stones. It is also frequently carved into animals, used on gemstone trees, and comes in a variety of raw or tumbled stones.

As jewelry, carnelian makes exquisite stone jewelry. You can buy pendants, beaded necklaces, rings, and more.

Carnelian Increases Happiness

Carnelians’ warm orange color provides color therapy by elevating your mood and increasing energy in the Sacral Chakra. The crystal stimulates creative thinking and activities. As you engage in your imagination, you increase dopamine in your brain, producing feelings of joy.

Keep a piece of carnelian with you to activate the stone’s ability to encourage more happiness. Hold on to the crystal when you need that pick-me-up and think about feeling happy.

Choosing Carnelian

Choose a piece of carnelian that resonates with you. The most common form of carnelian is a tumbled stone. It is easy to take with you and keep in your pocket. You can also place a piece of carnelian on your desk or near your workspace.

Love, Light and Empathy,

Your Spiritual Planet Family