green aventurine crystal

Green Aventurine is associated with the Heart Chakra. The crystals calming green color helps heal this chakra. It is also a stone known to help with prosperity. Green Aventurine’s natural energy relates to love and happiness and is known to support prosperity. It assists individuals in connecting with their inner and outer senses; this feeling of internal connection can be the key to giving, receiving, and giving love.

Using Green Aventurine in Healing Work and Color Therapy

Known as the crystal of opportunity, the Green Aventurine gives you a new look at life. Whether you go through a breakup or a career change, the crystal helps you look for new opportunities and gives you the confidence to start again.
The stones soothing green color boosts your energy and calms your fear.

Green Aventurine in your Home

Place green aventurine in your bedroom. The stone can assist in bringing in love and companionship. It helps find inner peace when you feel lost in the world.

Green aventurine comes in various forms; this includes carved animals, gemstone trees, pyramids, gazing galls, and obelisks. Get carved angels if you use green aventurine to heal the heart chakra. Place them in different rooms to help you feel a sense of security and safety.

Green Aventurine Increases Your Outlook on Opportunities

Green aventurine can help attract opportunities. It also helps manifest what you most want in life. Use green aventurine to attract whatever opportunity you want, whether it is a new job, more money, or a soul mate. Use it whenever you are experiencing an end to something in your life. When you need to make a decision, green aventurine helps discerning opportunities. It will also give you the courage to move on.

Choosing Green Aventurine

Choose a green aventurine stone that matches your intended use. The tumbled or raw stones are great for focus. Place stones in a crystal grid or around your home. You can also take these crystals with you and use them in various situations during your day-to-day routine. You can get a carved animal, including unicorns, elephants, and turtles.
Green aventurine often comes in Chakra healing stone bags. If you need Chakra healing, get the seven stones, including green aventurine, and use them in your healing sessions.

Love, Light and Empathy,

Your Spiritual Planet Family