tigers eye crystal

Tigers Eye is a unique stone with patterns of gold and brown colors. The stone is associated with the Solar Plexus and the Sacral Chakra. The Tigers Eye is known to give good luck and protect others from the Evil Eye. Its beautiful stripes of gold and brown create a sense of peace and harmony.

Using Tigers Eye in Healing Work and Color Therapy

Use Tigers Eye in healing work and color therapy to release anxious thoughts and feelings. The crystal helps ground your energy and empowers you to take steps forward in your goals. Tigers’ Eye gives you the courage and personal willpower to get things done. It is especially helpful for business owners, athletes, and those seeking a new career or job.

The stone can help to provide protection and a safe space in healing work. Kids are often drawn to the stone and find that it helps them focus on schoolwork.

Tigers Eye as Home Decor or Jewelry

Tigers’ Eye makes beautiful jewelry pieces, like stunning rings, necklaces, amulets, and bracelets. It is pretty easy to find Tigers Eye jewelry, and it comes in a variety of carved pieces.

Manufacturers can use Tiger’s Eye as a wall or even a table slab. You can select pieces of furniture with Tigers Eye or decorative elements to place around your home. Tigers’ Eye comes in many forms, including obelisks, pyramids, gazing balls, and tumbled stones.

Tigers Eye Increases Courage

The Tigers Eye is known to provide a tiger’s ferocity to the person wearing it. You can tap into your inner strength and courage, use it with intention in meditation or throughout your day. Tigers eye provides the protection you need. The rock helps to increase your energy and inner awareness, and you will feel more confident and compelled to reach your goals.

Choosing Tigers Eye

Choose a piece of Tigers Eye that speaks to you. It could be a necklace you can wear while on the go or a tumbled stone to place on your desk or take with you. You could choose to buy a candle with Tigers Eye in it to focus on one of its qualities for manifestation.

Love, Light and Empathy,

Your Spiritual Planet Family