Meditation in Sunset with crystals
Why Use Crystals in Meditation

Meditating takes time and practice to master. The main goal of meditation is often to clear your mind. However, those of us who experience anxiety and depression usually find it difficult to clear our minds. Running thoughts interrupt our ability to meditate. Using crystals in meditation helps channel these thoughts into the crystal and clear the mind. We also use crystals as intention holders; if, for instance, the focus of the meditation is about healing, setting the intention into the crystal helps with the desired outcome. Beginners and experienced meditators alike can use crystals to hold the intention for our meditation. 

meditation with crystals

Which Crystals Aid in Meditation?

White Quartz

White quartz crystals hold a unique vibration and are used in a variety of healing work. 

The clearer the crystal, the more it can help with a master healing vibration. 

White quartz crystals are often very pure in energy and can find energy blockages. Channeling thoughts through them will help release these thoughts from your mind and help you to think more clearly.


Selenite has a naturally calming vibration and helps release negative thoughts from your mind.

Selenite carries protective energy, shielding you from other people’s negative energy and keeping you focused in the present

Blue Agate

Blue agate is a natural healing stone that calms the mind and emotions. The stone’s pale blue color and smooth ripples give the impression of water, making it very helpful during meditation, providing calmness and relieving anxiety in the moment.

meditation with crystals

Affirmations and Mantras used during Meditation with Crystals


 I am releasing negative thoughts to make space for stillness

 I am comforted and protected while I meditate

 As I hold this crystal, my mind releases negative and running thoughts

 I am channeling stillness into my meditation

 I am channeling my thoughts into my crystal and letting go of all I need to

 I am practicing stillness in my meditation and holding the intention to let go.

Love, Light and Empathy,

Your Spiritual Planet Family